There is a huge food and nutrition gap that exists today in the world and this gap is expected to grow as population continues to rise and world’s resources continue to get exploited. Hence growing one’s own food is fast becoming a necessity than just a hobby.
Culturally in India we have always grown a part of our own food in our backyards. Even today in villages families depend a lot on the produce from their own backyards. But in the last few years due to rapid urbanization the art of growing one’s own food is being forgotten as urban spaces are assumed unfit for growing fruits and vegetables. But the truth is with proper planning, design and care a lot of vegetables and fruits can be grown even in small spaces in urban areas.
We empower families and communities by passing on knowledge, tools and resources to grow a part of their own food in an organic and sustainable manner at their own homes. Achieving self sufficiency in food production is the real empowerment of society and we help them achieve that to the best extent possible. We organize Training and Workshop on Organic Terrace Gardening and also give consultation on request.
To promote Terrace/Organic gardening and being #environment friendly by growing plants to #saveearth. Spread the word with your friends, family and help us to bring back Nature in a small way.
We conduct individual, group, corporate seminars, and workshops, Please book the tickets based on availability.
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